Are you having trouble keeping track of your budget? Do you wonder how much income you have each month? If your answer is yes, this program is for you
Keeping track of the budget is a very difficult task for every person. Although you use notebooks and worksheets to track your income and expenses, you still cannot get the desired output.
Many people generally use excel to keep track of their budget. However, many excel spreadsheets do not have the necessary performance to keep track of the budget. Today I will talk about an excel spreadsheet that is both easy to use and highly functional.
Thanks to this program called Excel annual budget tracking, you can easily track your annual income and expenses. It is very easy to use the program and it works for you so much.
In the program, you first determine categories for both your income and expenses. Thus, you have the opportunity to customize your income and expenses. One of the best parts of the program is that you can specify 20 different income and expense types. Thus, you can get the desired efficiency in your budget tracking and analysis.
You can easily enter your income on the income page by selecting the date, amount, description and the income type you previously set on the category page. The program analyzes and calculates every data you enter. You can see these calculations in detail both on the income page and on the home page.
It is also possible to enter your expenses easily by accessing the expense page. It is possible to enter all your expenses easily by selecting the date, amount, explanation and the type of expense you have previously determined from the category page on the expense page. Again, the program analyzes every data you enter on this page and updates your calculations continuously and automatically. It is possible to see and follow your detailed expense analysis both on the expense page and on the home page.
One of the best parts of the program is that there are quite a few cells for you to enter your income and expenses. You can enter more than enough data into the program for a year. Again, one of the most beautiful and favorite aspects of the program is the very nice design of the home page. All the data you enter into the program are analyzed separately on the main page and are supported by graphics. This page is updated automatically with every data entry.
If you need an easy but useful budget tracking program, I recommend you buy it and use it.
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