income and expense program 3.1 - Yazılım-Mobil-Ticaret Uygulamaları&Haberleri


Sunday, November 8, 2020

income and expense program 3.1

 income and expense program 3.1 After the last attempts to update the income and expense program, thank God it is over. The 3.1 version of the income and expense program is now live. So what has changed in the revenue and expenditure 3.1 version? what features have been added? here are the answers:

The income and expense program 3.1 version of the income and expense program, which we announced that we have recently completed and that we have reported that there are few trials, is now online. With many features added to the previous 3.0 version, I think it is a very easy to use program. So what has been added to the new version? How will it work? Let's try to explain briefly:

What's in the new version of the program?

1- The program was prepared without using macros as in previous versions. It was completely prepared with excel logical formulas. With this feature, it was tried to prevent many viruses etc. that could be transmitted by macros. However, in this version, a web link has been added to the zakat page to provide up-to-date data flow. Since this feature works without codes, we can say that it is more secure than macros.

2-A new home page has been added. You have the chance to follow many details and features on the new homepage. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that this version has two main pages. Because the detail page still carries the homepage view of version 3.0.

3-Safe page has been added. You will be able to make your income and expenses from the cash registers with the cash page. It is possible to enter 5 different vault names in the program. For example, you can give 5 different accounts you use in the bank as safe names.

4-Installment section has been added. Follow the installments you have made with the installment section. If you want, follow the installments you make to someone else. In the installment section, it has been made possible to track your installments in detail with features such as installment monitoring, black list, etc.

5-Detail page has been added. With the detail page, you will be able to follow the income and expense details you have determined from the data page. The detail page has the main page view of the income and expense 3.0 version. In other words, it is possible to access other related pages and some details from this page.

6-Report page was added. One of the biggest shortcomings of our previous versions was that the program was copied and reproduced and started to be used again after the program was used for a year. In this version we tried to find some solution to this problem and improved the report page. With the report page, you can see your income and expense, investments, debt or receivables, income and expense totals etc. belonging to your cash registers at the end of a year and if you wish, you can report them by printing them. Thus, you can easily follow the data you have entered in the previous years of the program from the reports you have received.

7-The errors and corrections we saw belonging to the previous version of the program have been completed.

8- The program has been made more comprehensive and useful.

You can find detailed usage information of the program in our next article.

You can use our address or our CONTACT address to reach the program.

Here are sample pictures of the program:

income and expense program 3.1

income and expense program 3.1

income and expense program 3.1

income and expense program 3.1

income and expense program 3.1

income and expense program 3.1

income and expense program 3.1

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